
I have designed my web site with your interests in mind. Drop me a line, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I am dedicated to selling your home or finding you that dream home you are searching for. You are invited to browse my website and call or e-mail me with any questions you have about buying or selling a home in the area.

Today's real estate market is more competitive than ever. That's why, top performers, choose a team that has proven itself in the market place and no one in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX! As a RE/MAX West Sales Associates I am a top performer and 95% of my customers rate RE/MAX West’s service the best! As your RE/MAX West Sales Associate, I have leading-edge access to the latest technology including on-line links to the real estate boards' Multiple Listing Service, providing easy access to up to the minute market information.

Buying: As your RE/MAX West Sales Associate, I will conduct successful negotiations on your behalf. I gauge the vendor's financial limits to determine areas where there maybe some give and take. I keep negotiations moving and on track toward your goals! In addition, as your RE/MAX West Sales Associate, I can offer you access to institutional mortgage lenders, home inspection services and legal professionals.

Selling: As your RE/MAX West Sales Associate, I will work with you to evaluate your property and provide a market analysis based on the latest available price comparisons to get you top dollar for your home. As your RE/MAX West Sales Associate, I make a personal investment in selling your home. I will create a customized marketing and advertising plan to build maximum awareness of your home among qualified buyers, Newspaper, TV ads, MLS listing, Internet Marketing on the RE/MAX web site, direct mail, yard signs, buyers' newsletter, open houses, agent tours and networking,

Why do I make this investment? Because I understand buyers' qualifications and I know what buyers are looking for. And I know these techniques to market your home for the most money, in the shortest period of time, with the least amount of problems! Finally, as your RE/MAX West Sales Associate I will put up the Sold Sign!

Buying a home?

Your satisfaction is my top priority! I will take the time to listen to your needs and desires and help you find your dream home.

Selling your home?

I will get your home sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. My online and offline marketing programs give me the edge needed to make this possible.